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The safety of visitors and employees at VIVO! is our top priority.
The cleaning staff is mobilized non-stop for hygiene and disinfection. From the surfaces we come into contact with the air we breathe in the mall, all these are tracked every hour.
What are the concrete measures?
- We installed dispensers with disinfectant solution for hands, in the areas of toilets and restaurants.
- We reorganized the restaurant area to ensure an optimal distance between the tables.
- The cleaning staff is mobilized and acts on the sanitation and disinfection of the common spaces (halls, toilets, elevators, locks, handles, tables in the food-court area) with products approved by the Ministry of Health.
- We communicate inside the shopping center instructions for proper hand washing and hygiene, as well as other prevention and information messages, on audio, digital and classic media, in the specially designated areas.
- We are in direct contact with our visitors on our social media pages with information about the additional measures they must take in our mall, to limit and prevent coronavirus contamination.
- We worked closely with our shops to join our efforts.
- We are in constant contact with the local authorities and promptly apply all their measures and recommendations.
We ask visitors to be cautious and to read information from credible and authorized sources, such as official information from the Ministry of Health and the Emergency Department, regarding recommended hygiene and prevention measures.