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At Yes, we discover beauty in its pure form and naturalness for you. We emphasise its noble detail and shape. We extract emotions, awaken desire and create jewellery that most beautifully expresses your inner radiance. Using the best of tradition, we like to set new trends. As a result, our collections and patterns are always popular, regardless of the season and prevailing trends.
The offer of the Yes jewellery boutique at VIVO! Krosno is addressed to customers who value the noblest jewellery, designed based on global trends and originality of design. At our boutique we have gold and silver jewellery with diamonds and other precious stones, including the most interesting designs of engagement rings and wedding rings. In addition, the variety of collections means that everyone can find the perfect jewellery in the YES offer. In addition to the timeless designs, we offer collections that set new trends and are recognised by those who follow fashion trends.
We invite you to visit the Yes jewellery boutique at VIVO! Krosno.