VIVO! in trends: how we prepare for the home office
During this time many of us work from home every day, or at least more often than before. And, because we want to feel as good as possible, we thought of a few things to make our day easier, with which we want to inspire you now.
⦿ Try to create a clear delimitation between your personal space and your work space
Ideally, you should work in a different room than the one you sleep in, in order to keep the two activities as separate as possible. But, if you have your office in the bedroom, make sure you make your bed every morning, because the mere sight of bedding can make you lose your motivation and want to take a nap. This separation is also useful to keep your attention on what you are doing at the moment: if you are working not to think about cleaning or cooking, if you are talking to someone not to think about emails.
⦿ Prepare as you would for going to the office with your colleagues
It may seem appealing not to change from pajamas, or to sit in your home clothes, especially if you don't have a meeting scheduled for that day. However, clothes of this type are associated with leisure, not work, and can influence your thinking, decision-making, or motivation to work. Our suggestion is to arrange and dress exactly as you would when you go to the office. Of course, not necessarily in a suit if you don't have a meeting, but business-casual, so that you can put yourself in the right state of mind to find the best solutions.
You can stop by at VIVO! and choose an elegant outfit from Escudo, casual from C&A or KVL, or business-casual from Peek&Cloppenburg.
For the ladies: makeup is also important, along with arranging your hair and choosing jewelry. They make you feel you and ready for anything that happens during the day. You can organize spontaneous calls, without worrying that you can't leave the camera open, because you don't have your hair arranged, which gives you more freedom and spontaneity.
You can go to Cupio to complete your make-up kit and to Splend’Or to choose the jewelry that represents you.
We also recommend that you do not combine business attire with casual pants or shorts. A courier may ring during a video call, for example, and you may forget to turn off the camera when you get up. Some suitable outfit ideas below:
⦿ Don't forget that you also need movement
When we go to the office, with colleagues, we have the road to get there, maybe we go out with them on the terrace from time to time during a break, walking to lunch, maybe a few trips to the vending machine or coffee… and so you gather a few steps. But if we work from home, everything is much closer, so we make less movement. Therefore, it is important to aim to do a little sport during the day. The options here are several: we can go for a run in the morning, or to the gym, if we have one open nearby, we can go out for sports in the evening, after the program or during the lunch break we can go for a short walk or use an elliptical bicycle, or a treadmill if we have one at home. We can also do aerobics with a clip from Youtube or yoga, pilates, tae-bo, if that's what we like. If you also participate in the VIVO! Stylish Spring raffle you can win a Pegasus bike to go for a walk or a FitBit bracelet, with which you can monitor your physical activity, to keep you fit and healthy. In order not to forget about movement, you can also choose a sports outfit at the office, at least for a part of the day.
⦿ Beautify your office
The office can be the place where you feel really good, not just the place where you have to stay for several hours every day. And, because there were colleagues at the office, who brought good mood, at home you can decorate your office so as to bring you as much joy as possible.
Some ideas:
- Minimalist style: as few objects on the desk help you to think more clearly.
- Plants: you can decorate the office with plants or put a few near you.
- Photos: you can keep a photo of your loved ones on your desk, hang them on the wall, or place them on a shelf nearby.
- Motivational quotes: you can have a quote on the desk, framed, or nearby, to inspire you.
- The colors you like: choose a desk and a color for the walls to your liking.
You can also look for ideas and inspiration at Nobila Casa, in VIVO!.
⦿ Choose quality accessories to protect your health
The difference between a normal and an ergonomic chair can be huge, in the long run, in terms of the health of your back. You can look at the chosen chair as an investment, as well as the monitor, eyewear, mouse or headphones you use.
You can find ergonomic, quality models at Media Galaxy or iSTYLE.
These were our suggestions for an office life, from home, as beautiful as possible. We hope you found them useful and that you will implement them successfully.
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