From the beginning of our existence, we have been trying to take care of the environment in order to positively influence the surrounding space. Having the unquestionable pleasure of communing with nature, we decided to continue our pro-ecological activities.
This time, we installed a waterhole for wild animals near the facility, among others deer, pheasants or ducks.
It would seem that it is hard to encounter wild species in the city. Nothing could be more wrong! Thanks to the convenient location, near the San River, in the vicinity of our facility, there are pasture meadows, old orchards and meadows, and among them we often meet unusual guests: deer, pheasants and wild ducks. With them in mind, we decided to install a watering hole nearby to make it easier for animals to access water. All this in connection with the upcoming summer season and the related droughts. Soon we will be installing more amenities for animals, and we will inform you about the details in the coming weeks. We strongly encourage you not to be indifferent to the fate of wild species and also to put even a bowl of water for thirsty animals near your homes.
Together, we can do a lot, and a bowl of water can save the lives of many creatures!