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The convenient location of the VIVO! shopping center Stalowa Wola allows the use of our services for our customers for shopping.
Come by car
VIVO! Stalowa Wola is located near road 77. This allows for very easy access to our shopping center.
To reach VIVO! Stalowa Wola there are a few public transport lines. When using public transport, you don't have to worry about free parking spaces. See below how you can get VIVO! Stalowa Wola by public transport.
Bus timetables
Check the public transport timetable at the bus stops located near the VIVO! Stalowa Wola Shopping Center
Bus line no. 6
Bus line no. 10
Bus line no. 25
Almost 1000 parking spaces.
As an advantage for customers we have designed a large and free of charge parking lot. Shop quietly, enjoy a cup of coffee or watch a movie at the cinema and enjoy your time with us.
You can park your car in the car park with nearly 1000 spaces.
Free parking anytime!
Free parking for customers of our shopping mall. You don't have to worry about where to park your car.
Bicycle stand
Park your bike comfortably in front of VIVO! Stalowa Wola. The stands can be found in front of the main entrance.
Unlimited parking
You can park for an unlimited time.
No parking fee
Parking at VIVO! Stalowa Wola is completely free of charge!
Plenty of parking lots
No need to worry about parking lots - there's plenty of space here.
VIVO! Stalowa Wola is open to everyone.
VIVO! is a place without barriers, where people feel at their best and are happy to come back.
In the VIVO! parking lot Stalowa Wola there are places for disabled people. Their size allows easy exit and entry into the car. They have been marked in blue.
Friendly facility
VIVO! Stalowa Wola is a one-storey shopping center with no stairs, which makes it easier for people with mobility restrictions to move around.
VIVO! Stalowa Wola is devoid of architectural barriers. We operate with disabled people in mind.
Toilet for disabled
People with disabilities have the option of using the toilet, which has been specially prepared for their needs. A large room allows them to move freely.
Wide door
The wide, sliding doors allow our disabled customers to easily enter the shopping center.
First Aid Room
The safety of our customers is the most important thing. If necessary, help can be provided in a specially prepared room.