Ševt papiernictvo

More than stationery

The widest range of school supplies for school children and students, office supplies, household equipment. Forms needed by the general public, various sectors, but also forms addressed to specific customers.

School and office supplies:
School bags • pencil cases • school notebooks • water colours • crayons • left-handed pens • paper, plastic film • envelopes • labels • organisational and archival items • writing and correction • notebooks, notepads • Work desk accessories • Tape for cash registers and calculators • Office technology • Toners • Calculators, personal organisers, voice recorders • Items needed for good presentations • Computer accessories • Managerial gifts • Hygiene items • Packaging and packaging material • Many other useful products. We offer: • Economic forms • Government forms • Medical forms • Tax forms 

ŠEVT customer card:
After applying for a customer card, anyone can purchase at our shops with a 5% discount, which increases up to 20% according to the cumulative amount of purchases in our network of shops

Club Cards: (Customer Card, Student Card, Children Card, My Printer) allowing for purchases at favourable or wholesale prices. You can get more information at any ŠEVT store. Their acquisition is free of charge and is not subject to any purchase. Customer service: there is a customer service workplace in every shop, where we offer copying services, lamination, comb binding and the production of stamps to order. 

Every business entity with a customer card designated for entrepreneurs automatically purchases at our shops at wholesale prices, and when paying in cash, they also get another additional discount based on the cumulative amount of purchases in our network up to 10%. 
Use of ISIC, ITIC and Euro 26 cards will enable purchases at discounted prices.

Back to school magazine
Design stationery ŠEVT wishes you happiness and joy. Nice decorations for your home, cute trinkets for pleasure as well as elegant gifts not only for business partners and many novelties are waiting for you in the store.

Don't forget:
Perfect packaging - perfect Christmas. Get inspired by the magazine, which you can get for free in the ŠEVT stationery store.